2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes is a multi-sport product that exclusively offers autographs. Fans can expect 5 autos per box, drawing from numerous different sports, including baseball, hockey, basketball, football, and wrestling. Names such as Jack Eichel and Hulk Hogan appear alongside Lance Armstrong and Pete Rose. For many fans some of these names will be interesting, as they are not normally included in most products and therefore Sports Heroes provides a unique opportunity to get some nice rare autographs.
2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Product Breakdown
Release Date: October 6, 2017
Price: Approx. $190USD Per Hobby Box
Configuration: 5 Cards Per Pack; 1 Pack per Box; 12 Boxes Per Case
Box Break: 5 Autographs
2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Base Autographs Set
73 Cards
Parallels: Wave #/35 or Less; Blue #/10 or Less; Purple #/5 or Less; Pink #/4 or Less; Black #/3 or Less; Green #/2 or 1/1*; Red 1/1; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1; Printing Plates 1/1

BA-AD1 Alex Delvecchio
BA-AI1 Allen Iverson
BA-AK2 Anna Kournikova
BA-AM1 Andy Murray
BA-AR1 Alex Rodriguez
BA-AR2 Andre Reed
BA-BH1 Bobby Hull
BA-BH2 Brett Hull
BA-BJ1 Bo Jackson
BA-BR1 Bill Russell
BA-BW1 Billy Williams
BA-CG1 Clark Gillies
BA-CJ1 Charlie Joiner
BA-CJ1 Charlie Joiner
BA-CM1 Calvin Murphy
BA-CMG Conor McGregor
BA-CR1 Cristiano Ronaldo *
BA-CRJ Cal Ripken Jr.
BA-CT1 Charley Trippi
BA-DB1 Doyle Brunson
BA-DG1 Dwight Gooden
BA-DG2 Doug Gilmour
BA-DI1 Dan Issel
BA-DR1 Dennis Rodman
BA-EC1 Earl Campbell
BA-EG1 Ed Giacomin
BA-EH1 Elvin Hayes
BA-FMJ Floyd Mayweather Jr.
BA-FT1 Frank Thomas
BA-GF1 Grant Fuhr
BA-GG1 George Gervin
BA-GH1 Gordie Howe *
BA-GM1 Greg Maddux
BA-GSP Georges St-Pierre
BA-HT1 Hiroshi Tanahashi
BA-IR1 Ivan Rodriguez
BA-JB1 Johnny Bower

BA-JL1 Jim Langer
BA-JL2 Jessica Long
BA-JR1 Jerry Rice
BA-KGJ Ken Griffey Jr. *
BA-KH1 Katie Hoff
BA-KO1 Kazuchika Okada
BA-KO2 Kenny Omega
BA-KW1 Kellen Winslow
BA-LA1 Lance Armstrong
BA-LB1 Lou Brock
BA-LM1 Lenny Moore
BA-LM2 Lionel Messi *
BA-MA1 Marcus Allen
BA-MLR Mary Lou Retton
BA-MP1 Monica Puig
BA-MR1 Mel Renfro
BA-N1 Neymar Jr. *
BA-OR1 Oscar Robertson
BA-P1 Pelé
BA-PE2 Phil Esposito
BA-PMB Paul McBeth
BA-PP1 Pierre Pilote
BA-PR1 Pete Rose
BA-PW1 Pernell Whitaker
BA-RF1 Ric Flair
BA-RH1 Rickey Henderson
BA-RJ1 Reggie Jackson
BA-RJ2 Rickey Jackson
BA-RS1 Ralph Sampson
BA-RS2 Ricky Steamboat
BA-RW1 Randy White
BA-SM1 Shawn Michaels
BA-TB1 Tim Brown
BA-TE1 Tony Esposito
BA-WM1 Warren Moon
BA-YAT Y.A. Tittle

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Dual Autographs Set
13 Cards
Parallels: Wave #/25 or Less; Blue #/10 or Less; Purple #/5 or Less; Pink #/4 or Less; Black #/3 or Less; Green #/2 or 1/1; Red 1/1; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1; Printing Plates 1/1

DA-01 Alex Rodriguez / Cal Ripken Jr.
DA-02 Bobby Hull / Brett Hull
DA-04 Carli Lloyd / Morgan Brian
DA-06 Emmitt Smith / Earl Campbell
DA-07 Floyd Mayweather Jr. /Conor McGregor
DA-08 Jessica Long / Katie Hoff
DA-09 Jimmy Hart / Ric Flair

DA-10 John Hannah / Jim Langer
DA-11 Nico Hischier / Joe Veleno
DA-15 Phil Esposito / Tony Esposito
DA-16 Ralph Sampson / Calvin Murphy
DA-17 Ricky Steamboat / Jimmy Hart
DA-18 Tetsuya Naito / Rocky Romero

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Triple Autographs Set
2 Cards
Parallels: Wave #/15; Blue #/7; Purple #/5; Pink #/4; Black #/3; Green #/2; Red 1/1; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1; Printing Plates 1/1

TA-01 Shannon Miller / Amy Chow / Amanda Borden
TA-02 Dominique Moceanu / Kerri Strug / Jaycie Phelps

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – All-Star Signatures Set
11 Cards
Parallels: Wave #/25 or #/10; Blue #/7 (Ripken Jr, Rose #/10*); Purple #/5; Pink #/4 (Maddux #/3*); Black #/3 (Maddux #/2*); Green #/2; Red 1/1; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1; Printing Plates 1/1

AS-AR1 Andre Reed
AS-BL1 Bob Lilly
AS-CRJ Cal Ripken Jr. *
AS-EH1 Elvin Hayes
AS-GM1 Greg Maddux *
AS-OC1 Orlando Cepeda

AS-PK1 Paul Krause
AS-PR1 Pete Rose *
AS-RB1 Raymond Bourque
AS-TB1 Tim Brown
AS-YAT Y.A. Tittle

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Award Winners Autographs Set
14 Cards
Parallels: Wave #/25 or Less; Blue #/10 or #/7; Purple #/5; Pink #/4; Black #/3; Green #/2; Red 1/1; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1; Printing Plates 1/1

AW-AD1 Adrian Dantley
AW-AI1 Allen Iverson
AW-DR1 Dennis Rodman
AW-EB1 Ed Belfour
AW-FT1 Frank Thomas
AW-GG1 George Gervin
AW-GP1 Gaylord Perry

AW-LA1 Lance Armstrong
AW-MA1 Marcus Allen
AW-PMB Paul McBeth
AW-PR1 Pete Rose
AW-RS1 Ralph Sampson
AW-TLR Tony La Russa
AW-YAT Y.A. Tittle

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Future Heroes Autographs Set
4 Cards
Parallels: Wave #/25 or #/10*; Blue #/10 or #/7*; Purple #/5; Pink #/4; Black #/3; Green #/2; Red 1/1; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1; Printing Plates 1/1

FH-JE1 Jack Eichel
FH-JV1 Joe Veleno

FH-NH1 Nico Hischier
FH-NP1 Nolan Patrick *

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Loyalty Signatures Set
14 Cards
Parallels: Wave #/25 or Less; Blue #/7 (Ripken Jr #/10*, Jackson #/3*); Purple #/5 (Jackson #/3*); Pink #/4 (Jackson #/3*); Black #/3; Green #/2; Red 1/1; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1; Printing Plates 1/1

LS-AD1 Alex Delvecchio
LS-BJ1 Bo Jackson *
LS-BS1 Barry Sanders
LS-CM1 Calvin Murphy
LS-CRJ Cal Ripken Jr. *
LS-CT1 Charley Trippi
LS-JJ1 Jimmy Johnson

LS-JK1 Jim Kelly
LS-JP1 Jim Palmer
LS-MJ1 Magic Johnson
LS-MR2 Mel Renfro
LS-MS1 Milt Schmidt
LS-RW1 Randy White
LS-WS1 Will Shields

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Stars & Bars Autographs Set
8 Cards
Parallels: Wave #/25 or Less; Blue #/10 (Lloyd, Retton #/7*); Purple #/5; Pink #/4; Black #/3; Green #/2; Red 1/1; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1; Printing Plates 1/1

SB-AI1 Allen Iverson
SB-CL1 Carl Lewis
SB-CL2 Carli Lloyd *
SB-JL1 Jessica Long

SB-KH1 Katie Hoff
SB-MJ1 Magic Johnson
SB-MLR Mary Lou Retton *
SB-PW1 Pernell Whitaker

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Flashback Tribute Metal Autos Set
5 Cards – Serial Numbered #/10
Parallels: Pink #/7; Black #/5; Green #/3; Red #/2; Gold 1/1; Super 1/1

RT-JE1 Jack Eichel
RT-JE2 Jack Eichel
RT-JE3 Jack Eichel

RT-JE4 Jack Eichel
RT-JE5 Jack Eichel

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Flashback 2015 Sports Kings Autos Set
1 Card
Parallels: Green #/15; Gold 1/1

SKS-SRL Sugar Ray Leonard

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – Flashback 2016 Sports Kings Clear Autos Set
3 Cards
Parallels: Silver #/25; Gold #/10; Red #/5; Purple 1/1

SK-DR1 Dennis Rodman
SK-HH1 Hulk Hogan
SK-MT1 Mike Tyson

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – 2017 Q Preview Autographs Set
1 Card
Parallels: Blue #/15; Red #/10; Silver #/5; Gold 1/1

BA-JE1 Jack Eichel

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – 2017 Q Preview Auto Mem Set
1 Card – Serial Numbered #/15
Parallels: Blue #/5; Red #/3; Silver #/2; Gold 1/1

AM-JE1 Jack Eichel

2017 Leaf Metal Sports Heroes – 2017 Q Preview Numerology Set
1 Card – Serial Numbered #/15
Parallels: Gold 1/1

NU-JE1 Jack Eichel

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