First physical cards went digital, and now digital cards are going physical. Topp’s Star Wars Card Trader app has now been released as a physical set. Consisting primarily as a base set with a variety of inserts available, there are also chances for a redemption that unlocks a digital version of an autograph. This an affordable option for collectors looking for a fun little product to accompany the app. I wouldn’t recommend it to serious collectors.
Card Trader – Product Breakdown
Release Date: December 2, 2016
Price: Approx. $50USD Per Box (Retail Format Only)
Configuration: 6 Cards Per Pack; 24 Packs Per Box; 16 Boxes Per Case
Box Break: 24 Blue Parallels; 6 Red Parallels; 1 Digital Pack Redemption; 144 Total Cards
Card Trader – Base Set
100 Cards
Parallels: Blue; Red; Green #/99; Orange #/50; Battle Damaged #/10; Slave I #/5

1 Luke Skywalker
2 Princess Leia Organa
3 Han Solo
4 Darth Vader
5 C-3PO
6 R2-D2
7 The Emperor
8 Chewbacca
9 Jabba The Hutt
10 Yoda
11 Lando Calrissian
12 Boba Fett
13 Stormtrooper
14 Admiral Ackbar
15 Nien Nunb
16 Admiral Piett
17 Moff Jerjerrod
18 Chief Chirpa
19 Wedge Antilles
20 Dak Ralter
21 Greedo
22 Imperial Royal Guard
23 Grand Moff Tarkin
24 Wicket W. Warrick
25 Lobot
26 IG-88
27 Jawa
28 Tusken Raider
29 General Veers
30 Mon Mothma
31 Bossk
32 Dengar
33 Sy Snootles
34 Salacious B. Crumb
35 General Dodonna
36 Biggs Darklighter
37 Zuckuss
38 4-LOM
39 General Madine
40 Max Rebo
41 Captain Antilles
42 Bib Fortuna
43 Ponda Baba
44 Dr. Evazan
45 Rey
46 Finn
47 Poe Dameron
48 BB-8
49 Major Ematt
50 Snap Wexley

51 Admiral Statura
52 Doctor Kalonia
53 PZ-4CO
54 Kylo Ren
55 Captain Phasma
56 First Order Stormtrooper
57 First Order Flametrooper
58 Riot Control Stormtrooper
59 General Hux
60 Supreme Leader Snoke
61 Teedo
62 Unkar Plutt
63 Sidon Ithano
64 Razoo Qin-Fee
65 Tasu Leech
66 Bala-tik
67 Korr Sella
68 Lor San Tekka
69 Maz Kanata
70 Obi-Wan Kenobi
71 Anakin Skywalker
72 Darth Sidious
73 Mace Windu
74 General Grievous
75 Qui-Gon Jinn
76 Padmé Amidala
77 Jango Fett
78 Count Dooku
79 Darth Maul
80 Clone Trooper
81 Zam Wesell
82 Nute Gunray
83 Bail Organa
84 Rune Haako
85 Commander Cody
86 Ezra Bridger
87 Kanan Jarrus
88 Sabine Wren
89 Hera Syndulla
90 Zeb Orrelios
91 Chopper
92 The Grand Inquisitor
93 Asajj Ventress
94 Captain Rex
95 Savage Opress
96 Fifth Brother
97 Seventh Sister
98 Ahsoka Tano
99 Cad Bane
100 First Order Snowtrooper

Card Trader – Star Wars Actor Digital Autographs Set
20 Cards – Serial Numbered #/25
Parallels: Red #/10; Gold #/5

DA-1 Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
DA-2 Steve Blum as Zeb Orrelios
DA-3 Vanessa Marshall as Hera Syndulla
DA-4 Tiya Sircar as Sabine Wren
DA-5 Taylor Gray as Ezra Bridger
DA-6 Daniel Logan as Boba Fett
DA-7 Daniel Logan as Boba Fett (The Clone Wars)
DA-8 Ray Park as Darth Maul
DA-9 Nika Futterman as Asajj Ventress
DA-10 Warwick Davis as Wicket

DA-11 Phil Eason as Yaddle
DA-12 Michonne Bourriague as Aurra Sing
DA-13 Mike Quinn as Nien Nunb
DA-14 David Bowers as Mas Amedda
DA-15 Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano
DA-16 John Ratzenberger as Major Bren Derlin
DA-17 Hassani Shapi as Eeth Koth
DA-18 Andy Secombe as Watto
DA-19 Zachariah Jensen as Saesee Tiin
DA-20 Caroline Blakiston as Mon Mothma

Card Trader – Bounty Set
20 Cards

B-1 Greedo
B-2 Bossk
B-3 Darth Maul
B-4 Cad Bane
B-5 Dengar
B-6 Boushh
B-7 4-LOM
B-8 Zuckuss
B-9 Dr. Cornelius Evazan
B-10 Garindan

B-11 IG-88
B-12 Sixtat
B-13 Bulduga
B-14 Onca
B-15 Mon Mothma
B-16 Luke Skywalker
B-17 Han Solo
B-18 Chewbacca
B-19 Leia Organa
B-20 Wedge Antilles

Card Trader – Classic Artwork Set
20 Cards

CA-1 Han Solo
CA-2 Luke Skywalker
CA-3 Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise)
CA-4 Darth Vader
CA-5 Chewbacca
CA-6 Yoda
CA-7 Boba Fett
CA-8 Captain Phasma
CA-9 Stormtrooper
CA-10 Wicket W. Warrick

CA-11 Jabba the Hutt
CA-12 Admiral Ackbar
CA-13 Emperor Palpatine
CA-14 Bossk
CA-15 BB-8
CA-16 C-3PO
CA-17 Kylo Ren
CA-18 Finn
CA-19 Rey
CA-20 Poe Dameron

Card Trader – Film Quotes Set
20 Cards

FQ-1 Han Solo
FQ-2 Han Solo
FQ-3 Boba Fett
FQ-4 Darth Vader
FQ-5 Princess Leia
FQ-6 Han Solo
FQ-7 Darth Vader
FQ-8 Luke Skywalker
FQ-9 Han Solo
FQ-10 Darth Sidious

FQ-11 Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
FQ-12 C-3PO
FQ-13 Luke Skywalker
FQ-14 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
FQ-15 Mace Windu
FQ-16 Admiral Ackbar
FQ-17 Darth Maul
FQ-18 C-3PO
FQ-19 Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
FQ-20 Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi

Card Trader – Galactic Moments Set
20 Cards

GM-1 Ralph McQuarrie
GM-2 Luke Skywalker Introduced
GM-3 Rebels Premiere
GM-4 The Prequel Trilogy
GM-5 Lucas Begins Filming Star Wars: A New Hope
GM-6 1997 Special Editions
GM-7 Star Wars Celebration I
GM-8 Industrial Light & Magic
GM-9 First Star Wars Comic
GM-10 Kenner Early Bird Special

GM-11 Super Star Wars
GM-12 First Star Wars Video Game
GM-13 Revenge of the Jedi Announced
GM-14 Topps Trading Cards 1977
GM-15 The Force Awakens
GM-16 Darth Vader Reveals
GM-17 The Clone Wars Movie
GM-18 Star Wars Heir to the Empire
GM-19 May 29th, 1977
GM-20 Topps Star Wars Card Trader

Card Trader – Reflections Set
7 Cards

R-1 Greedo and Han Solo
R-2 Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi
R-3 Jango Fett and Mace Windu
R-4 Stormtrooper and Rebel Troopers

R-5 R2-D2 and Princess Leia
R-6 Boba Fett and Han Solo
R-7 Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker

Card Trader – Topps Choice Set
13 Cards

TC-1 Lok Durd
TC-2 Duchess Satine
TC-3 Ree-Yees
TC-4 Kabe
TC-5 Ponda Baba
TC-6 Bossk
TC-7 Lak Sivrak

TC-8 Yarael Poof
TC-9 Momaw Nadon
TC-10 Bo-Katan Kryze
TC-11 Grizz Frix
TC-12 Beedo
TC-13 Todo 360

Checklistcenter Thanks For Their Continues Generosity
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