Ninja Update: 2005-06 Be A Player

2005-06 Be A Player Box

2005-06 Be A Player Signature Series is an autograph based product that offers 10 autographed cards per box. While BAP has often been looked down on from a design and value standpoint, it does still offer a wide variety of players that fans should want to get their hands on. Also given the rich rookie class of the 2005-06 season, it is somewhat surprising to see a set that does not offer rookies, but BAP does just that. This helped to manage to overall cost of the product, ensuring that fans could afford the packs.

2005-06 Be A Player – Product Breakdown

Release Date: August 9th, 2005
Configuration: 5 Cards Per Pack; 10 Packs Per Box
Box Break: 10 Autograph Cards

2005-06 Be A Player – Base Set

Base Marc-Andre Fleury
90 Cards
Parallels: First Period #/100; Second Period #/50; Third Period #/10; Overtime 1/1

1 Jean-Sebastien Giguere
2 Joffrey Lupul
3 Ilya Kovalchuk
4 Dany Heatley
5 Kari Lehtonen
6 Glen Murray
7 Joe Thornton
8 Andrew Raycroft
9 Miroslav Satan
10 Chris Drury
11 Daniel Briere
12 Jarome Iginla
13 Miikka Kiprusoff
14 Martin Gelinas
15 Erik Cole
16 Eric Staal
17 Tuomo Ruutu
18 Eric Daze
19 Joe Sakic
20 Peter Forsberg
21 Milan Hejduk
22 Rob Blake
23 Alex Tanguay
24 Rick Nash
25 Nikolai Zherdev
26 Todd Marchant
27 Marty Turco
28 Brenden Morrow
29 Mike Modano
30 Brendan Shanahan
31 Nicklas Lidstrom
32 Pavel Datsyuk
33 Steve Yzerman
34 Curtis Joseph
35 Ryan Smyth
36 Jason Smith
37 Ty Conklin
38 Olli Jokinen
39 Roberto Luongo
40 Jay Bouwmeester
41 Zigmund Palffy
42 Luc Robitaille
43 Alexander Frolov
44 Marian Gaborik
45 Dwayne Roloson

46 Saku Koivu
47 Jose Theodore
48 Michael Ryder
49 Tomas Vokoun
50 Steve Sullivan
51 Jordin Tootoo
52 Martin Brodeur
53 Patrik Elias
54 Scott Gomez
55 Rick DiPietro
56 Mike Peca
57 Trent Hunter
58 Jaromir Jagr
59 Bobby Holik
60 Dan Blackburn
61 Marian Hossa
62 Jason Spezza
63 Daniel Alfredsson
64 Keith Primeau
65 Simon Gagne
66 Robert Esche
67 Brett Hull
68 Shane Doan
69 Mike Comrie
70 Marc-Andre Fleury
71 Mark Recchi
72 Mario Lemieux
73 Patrick Marleau
74 Jonathan Cheechoo
75 Evgeni Nabokov
76 Chris Pronger
77 Doug Weight
78 Keith Tkachuk
79 Martin St. Louis
80 Vincent Lecavalier
81 Nikolai Khabibulin
82 Brad Richards
83 Dave Andreychuk
84 Gary Roberts
85 Mats Sundin
86 Joe Nieuwendyk
87 Markus Naslund
88 Brendan Morrison
89 Ed Jovanovski
90 Olaf Kolzig

2005-06 Be A Player – Class Action Set

Class Action Mark Messier
20 Cards – Serial Numbered #/299

CA1 Keith Tkachuk
CA2 Dany Heatley
CA3 Ilya Kovalchuk
CA4 Joe Thornton
CA5 Jarome Iginla
CA6 Peter Forsberg
CA7 Joe Sakic
CA8 Rick Nash
CA9 Mike Modano
CA10 Steve Yzerman

CA11 Mats Sundin
CA12 Martin St. Louis
CA13 Jose Theodore
CA14 Miikka Kiprusoff
CA15 Martin Brodeur
CA16 Mark Messier
CA17 Markus Naslund
CA18 Jeremy Roenick
CA19 Brett Hull
CA20 Mario Lemieux

2005-06 Be A Player – Ice Icons Set

Ice Icons Mario Lemieux
5 Cards – Serial Numbered #/99

ICE1 Martin Brodeur
ICE2 Mario Lemieux
ICE3 Joe Sakic

ICE4 Peter Forsberg
ICE5 Steve Yzerman

2005-06 Be A Player – Outtakes Set

Outtakes Ilya Kovalchuk
50 Cards – Serial Numbered #/499

OT1 Jean-Sebastien Giguere
OT2 Sergei Fedorov_1
OT3 Dany Heatley
OT4 Ilya Kovalchuk
OT5 Andrew Raycroft
OT6 Joe Thornton
OT7 Chris Drury
OT8 Jarome Iginla
OT9 Miikka Kiprusoff
OT10 Eric Staal
OT11 Tuomo Ruutu
OT12 Peter Forsberg
OT13 Rob Blake
OT14 Alex Tanguay
OT15 Joe Sakic
OT16 Nikolai Zherdev
OT17 Rick Nash
OT18 Mike Modano
OT19 Marty Turco
OT20 Pavel Datsyuk
OT21 Brendan Shanahan
OT22 Steve Yzerman
OT23 Ryan Smyth
OT24 Roberto Luongo
OT25 Luc Robitaille

OT26 Marian Gaborik
OT27 Saku Koivu
OT28 Jose Theodore
OT29 Tomas Vokoun
OT30 Steve Sullivan
OT31 Martin Brodeur
OT32 Jaromir Jagr
OT33 Mark Messier
OT34 Michael Peca
OT35 Daniel Alfredsson
OT36 Jason Spezza
OT37 Jeremy Roenick
OT38 Simon Gagne
OT39 Shane Doan
OT40 Mario Lemieux
OT41 Patrick Marleau
OT42 Keith Tkachuk
OT43 Chris Pronger
OT44 Vincent Lecavalier
OT45 Martin St. Louis
OT46 Mats Sundin
OT47 Ed Belfour
OT48 Markus Naslund
OT49 Ed Jovanovski
OT50 Olaf Kolzig

2005-06 Be A Player – World Cup of Hockey Salute Set

World Cup of Hockey Salute Miikka Kiprosoff
15 Cards – Serial Numbered #/199

WCS1 Fredrik Modin
WCS2 Vincent Lecavalier
WCS3 Keith Tkachuk
WCS4 Joe Sakic
WCS5 Martin Havlat
WCS6 Kimmo Timonen
WCS7 Joe Thornton
WCS8 Mike Modano

WCS9 Daniel Alfredsson
WCS10 Patrik Elias
WCS11 Martin Brodeur
WCS12 Tomas Vokoun
WCS13 Miikka Kiprusoff
WCS14 Robert Esche
WCS15 Bill Guerin


2005-06 Be A Player – SP Signatures Set

SP Signatures Patrice Bergeron
173 Cards – Short Prints (SP) Noted
Parallels: Parallel #/10

AA Adrian Aucoin
AB Andrew Brunette
AC Andrew Cassels
AE David Aebischer
AH Adam Hall
AL Andreas Lilja
AM Alyn McCauley
AN Dave Andreychuk
AR Andrew Raycroft
AT Alex Tanguay
AV Sean Avery
BA Matthew Barnaby
BB Bryan Berard
BD Boyd Devereaux
BE Brenden Morrow
BG Bill Guerin SP
BH Bobby Holik
BI Martin Biron
BJ Barrett Jackman
BM Brendan Morrison
BN Brian Boucher
BO Bob Boughner
BR Brian Rolston
BS Brendan Shanahan
BT Brent Sopel
BW Brendan Witt
BY Bryan McCabe
CC Carlo Colaiacovo
CD Chris Drury SP
CO Craig Conroy
CP Chris Pronger
CR Craig Rivet
CS Cory Stillman
DB Daniel Briere
DC Dan Cleary
DD Dallas Drake
DE Derian Hatcher
DI Daniel Alfredsson
DL David Legwand
DN Dan Cloutier
DO Shean Donovan
DR Dwayne Roloson
DT Mathieu Schneider
DU Dustin Brown
DY Darryl Sydor
EB Eric Brewer
EC Erik Cole
EI Eric Staal
EL Eric Lindros
ER Eric Belanger
ES Robert Esche
EW Eric Weinrich
FA Brian Rafalski
FE Ruslan Fedotenko
GI Brian Gionta
GL Martin Gelinas
GM Glen Murray
GS Garth Snow
HA Dominik Hasek
HE Bret Hedican
HF Shawn Horcoff
HO Mr. Hockey SP
HT Dany Heatley
HZ Henrik Zetterberg
IG Jarome Iginla
IL Ian Laperriere
JA Jason Arnott
JB Jay Bouwmeester
JC Jonathan Cheechoo
JD Jody Shelly
JG Jean-Sebastien Giguere
JI Jim Dowd
JL Joffrey Lupul
JM John-Michael Liles
JO Jeff O’Neill
JP J.P. Dumont
JS Jason Smith
JT Jocelyn Thibault
JW Justin Williams
KA Trent Klatt
KD Kris Draper
KE Kevyn Adams
KL Kari Lehtonen
KP Keith Primeau SP
KT Keith Tkachuk SP
KW Kevin Weekes
LA Robert Lang

LE Jordan Leopold
LU Luc Robitaille SP
LW Daymond Langkow
MA Brad May
MD Mathieu Dandenault
ME Mike Knuble
MF Marc-Andre Fleury
MH Marian Hossa
MI Mike Comrie
ML Martin Lapointe
MO Mattias Ohlund
MP Mark Parrish
MR Marc Denis
MS Matt Stajan
MT Martin Brodeur SP
MU Bryan Muir
MW Mattias Weinhandl
NA Markus Naslund SP
NB Nick Boynton
ND Niko Dimitrakos
NH Nathan Horton
NI Rob Niedermayer
NL Nicklas Lidstrom SP
OK Olaf Kolzig
OR Brooks Orpik
OT Steve Ott
PA Paul Martin
PB Peter Bondra
PC Patrice Bergeron
PD Pascal Dupuis
PE Mike Peca
PK Paul Kariya
PM Patrick Marleau SP
PT Pierre Turgeon
RA Rod Brind’Amour
RB Rob Blake
RC Brad Richards
RD Rick DiPietro
RF Rico Fata
RI Mike Ribeiro
RK Ryan Kesler
RL Roberto Luongo SP
RN Rick Nash
RO Gary Roberts
RR Robyn Regehr
RS Ryan Smyth
RU Tuomo Ruutu
RW Ray Whitney
RY Michael Ryder SP
SA Joe Sakic
SB Sean Burke
SC Scott Niedermayer
SD Shane Doan
SE Steve Sullivan
SG Mike Sillinger
SH Shawn McEachern
SI Steve Shields
SJ Joe Thornton
SL Martin St. Louis
SM Scott Mellanby
SN Geoff Sanderson
SO Steve Staios
SP Jason Spezza
SQ Stephane Quintal
SR Steve Rucchin
SS Sheldon Souray
SU Mats Sundin
TE Mikael Tellqvist
TH Jose Theodore
TI Mattias Timander
TL Trevor Linden
TM Todd Marchant
TN Tyson Nash
TO Steve Thomas
TP Tom Poti
TR Trent Hunter
TT Tim Taylor
TU Marty Turco
TW Todd White
VD Vincent Damphousse
VL Vincent Lecavalier
WA Scott Walker
WE Stephen Weiss
WR Wade Redden
YO Scott Young
ZE Eric Daze

2005-06 Be A Player – SP Signatures Dual Set

SP Signatures Dual Eric Daze, Jocelyn Thibault
43 Cards – Short Prints (SP) Noted

D-AR Dave Andreychuk/Luc Robitaille
D-BD Chris Drury/Daniel Briere
D-BF Marc-Andre Fleury/Martin Brodeur
D-BS Brian Rafalski/Scott Niedermayer
D-DK Dany Heatley/Kari Lehtonen
D-DL Kris Draper/Nicklas Lidstrom SP
D-DR Dwayne Roloson/Marc Denis
D-DT Eric Daze/Jocelyn Thibault
D-FL Marc Andre Fleury/Roberto Luongo
D-GB Bill Guerin/Brenden Morrow
D-GD Bill Guerin/Chris Drury
D-HH Dominik Hasek/Marian Hossa
D-HR Marian Hossa/Wade Redden
D-HT Joe Thornton/Mr. Hockey SP
D-IM Jarome Iginla/Patrick Marleau
D-JE Eric Staal/Jason Spezza
D-KC Chris Pronge/Keith Tkachuk SP
D-LI Jarome Iginla/Martin St. Louis SP
D-LL Martin St.Louis/Vincent Lecavalier
D-LP Chris Pronger/Nicklas Lidstrom SP
D-LW Roberto Luongo/Stephen Weiss
D-MA Adrian Aucoin/Michael Peca

D-MC Jonathan Cheechoo/Patrick Marleau
D-ND Marc Denis/Rick Nash
D-NL Markus Naslund/Trevor Linden
D-NT Joe Thornton/Rick Nash
D-PA Alex Tanguay/Paul Kariya
D-PE Keith Primeau/Robert Esche
D-PP Mark Parrish/Michael Peca
D-RB Dustin Brown/Luc Robitaille
D-RJ Jay Bouwmeester/Rob Blake
D-RL Kari Lehtonen/Roberto Luongo SP
D-RR Michael Ryder/Mike Ribeiro
D-RT Jose Theodore/Michael Ryder
D-SB Joe Sakic/Rob Blake SP
D-SR Jason Spezza/Michael Ryder
D-SS Jason Smith/Ryan Smyth
D-ST Keith Tkachuk/Mike Sillinger
D-TL Marty Turco/Roberto Luongo
D-TM Glen Murray/Joe Thornton
D-TP Joe Thornton/Keith Primeau SP
D-TR Jose Theodore/Mike Ribeiro
D-VR Ruslan Fedotenko/Vincent Lecavalier

2005-06 Be A Player – SP Signatures Triple Set

SP Signature Trios Peter Bondra, Jason Spezza, Marian Hossa
25 Cards – Short Prints (SP) Noted

  • AVS Alex Tanguay/Joe Sakic/Paul Kariya SP
  • BSH Jason Spezza/Marian Hossa/Peter Bondra SP
  • BUF Chris Drury/Daniel Briere/Martin Biron
  • DAL Bill Guerin/Brenden Morrow/Marty Turco SP
  • DEV Brian Rafalski/Martin Brodeur/Scott Niedermayer SP
  • DRL Andrew Raycroft/Rick DiPietro/Roberto Luongo
  • FGR Andrew Raycroft/Jean-Sebastien Giguere/Marc-Andre Fleury SP
  • HGT Bill Guerin/Keith Tkachuk/Mr. Hockey SP
  • HSN Marian Hossa/Markus Naslund/Mats Sundin SP
  • IBM Jarome Iginla/Patrice Bergeron/Patrick Marleau
  • LBP Chris Pronger/Nicklas Lidstrom/Rob Blake SP
  • LLA David Aebischer/Kari Lehtonen/Roberto Luongo SP
  • MTL Jose Theodore/Michael Ryder/Mike Ribeiro SP
  • NKI Jarome Iginla/Markus Naslund/Paul Kariya SP
  • NMS Brendan Morrison/Brent Sopel/Markus Naslund
  • PAN Jay Bouwmeester/Nathan Horton/Stephen Weiss
  • PDL Eric Daze/Eric Lindros/Keith Primeau SP
  • PTS Joe Thornton/Keith Primeau/Mats Sundin SP
  • SIS Jarome Iginla/Joe Sakic/Mats Sundin SP
  • SNL Markus Naslund/Mats Sundin/Nicklas Lidstrom SP
  • STL Chris Pronger/Dallas Drake/Keith Tkachuk SP
  • STS Jason Spezza/Joe Sakic/Joe Thornton SP
  • TBL Brad Richards/Martin St. Louis/Vincent Lecavalier SP
  • TGR Andrew Raycroft/Jean-Sebastien Giguere/Marty Turco SP
  • TLP Joe Thornton/Keith Primeau/Vincent Lecavalier SP

2005-06 Be A Player – SP Signatures Quad Set

SP Signature Quad Alex Tanguay, Joe Sakic, David Aebischer, Vincent Damphousse
19 Cards – All Cards Short Printed (SP)

  • BLTG Jean Sebastien Giguere/Jose Theodore/Martin Brodeur/Roberto Luongo SP
  • BLUE Chris Pronger/Eric Weinrich/Keith Tkachuk/Mike Sillinger SP
  • BOST Andrew Raycroft/Glen Murray/Joe Thornton/Patrice Bergeron SP
  • COLO Alex Tanguay/David Aebischer/Joe Sakic/Vincent Damphousse SP
  • GDEF Chris Pronger/Jay Bouwmeester/Nicklas Lidstrom/Rob Blake SP
  • GOAL Jean-Sebastien Giguere/Jose Theodore/Marc-Andre Fleury/Martin Brodeur SP
  • HAWK Bryan Berard/Eric Daze/Jocelyn Thibault/Tuomo Ruutu SP
  • HSNT Dany Heatley/Joe Sakic/Joe Thornton/Rick Nash SP
  • IMPL Jarome Iginla/Keith Primeau/Martin St. Louis/Patrick Marleau SP
  • ITLB Alex Tanguay/Jarome Iginla/Martin St. Louis/Patrice Bergeron SP
  • MAPL Bryan McCabe/Gary Roberts/Mats Sundin/Matt Stajan SP
  • MONT Jose Theodore/Michael Ryder/Mike Ribeiro/Sheldon Souray SP
  • OTWA Dominik Hasek/Marian Hossa/Peter Bondra/Wade Redden SP
  • RBSS Eric Staal/Matt Stajan/Patrice Bergeron/Tuomo Ruutu SP
  • SCCH Brad Richards/Cory Stillman/Dave Andreychuk/Martin St. Louis SP
  • SDPH Bobby Holik/Eric Daze/Keith Primeau/Ryan Smyth SP
  • SHSL Dany Heatley/Joe Sakic/Martin St. Louis/Mats Sundin SP
  • SSIR Jarome Iginla/Jason Smith/Robyn Regehr/Ryan Smyth SP
  • TLAL David Aebischer/Kari Lehtonen/Marty Turco/Roberto Luongo SP

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