Tag: MVP

Ninja Update: 2003-04 UD MVP

2003-04 UD MVP

2003-04 UD MVP is a lower end product that offers a large base set and a variety of inserts that include memorabilia cards and the occasional autograph. Unfortunately for rookie collectors, the 2003-04 MVP rookie class was reserved entirely to redemptions, which have long since expired and are useless to anyone opening the product now. […]

Upper Deck Redemption Central 2017-18

MVP #1 Draft Pick

Redemptions suck, we all know that, but I’m here to help. The Upper Deck Redemption Central 2017-18 is your go to place for all redemption information. This page will be added to whenever new mystery redemptions are added to checklists, and will reveal player identities as they become available. Both Upper Deck MVP and Artifacts […]